Hey guys and gals welcome to my room. Step right in. Well, since you are here I think it's right that I tell you about myself. So here goes.

I am 23 years old, from Madras and New Delhi (both in India), but living in Boston since August 25th, 1997. My mother tongue is Tamil, and I speak Hindi fluently too. English though holds itself on top being the universal favorite. I do speak a bit of Sanskrit too when i get the opportunity.

As of now I am job hunting as I've just completed my second MBA from University of Massachusetts, Boston. My first MBA was from Loyola Institute of Business Administration, back home in Madras, India. I specialized in Finance and Marketing in my first MBA, and now in Finance with a tilt towards International Business. I've also completed half my C.A. (Indian equivalent of the C.P.A.). My bachelor's was in Commerce, which I completed from D.G.Vaishnav College, Madras, India. I have also completed a 3 year computer course. I've been with computers for 8 years now. They are one of the loves of my life. Lots of people incidentally call it my best pal.

Well what do I do otherwise ?? I played basketball for school and college. Played a lot of tennis, chess, Table Tennis and cricket. Swam a lot too, backstroke being my favorite. Not been into anything other than chess since I came here. I have been playing quite some pool since I came to the U.S. I play the Classical South Indian Music on the violin too.

I am a happy go lucky guy otherwise and I like to have fun and enjoy myself.

Well that's me. Now tell me about yourself.....

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